Blog: Game-Changing 习惯 for Business Success in 2021

In our last post, we shared our Game Changing 习惯 for Personal Success. 在这篇文章中,我们将讨论改变商业成功的习惯. 虽然人们可以正确地假设,所有的个人习惯将适用于商业成功, 作为企业所有者或高管,还有一组额外的习惯可以提高企业成功的可能性.

改变游戏规则的习惯是我们对我们的行为做出的微小调整,可以产生巨大的影响. Everyone must assess for themselves what they need to do to progress. 然而, 毫无疑问,我们成功的程度将受到我们习惯质量的影响. 像这样, 进步和成功取决于我们决定保持的行为和习惯, 修改, or take on. As we close out the year, 可以肯定的是,2021年人们的习惯会发生一些变化和改善. 我们所知道的是,2020年之后,有很多方法可以做得比我们现在做得更好. People used to travel across the country to have one-hour meetings. Now…while we still can travel, we can also have a virtual meeting. 两者都工作和服务于相同的目的,但一个比另一个更有效. 是的,无论如何你都要努力工作,但为什么不更聪明地工作呢! Having the right set of habits can get you working smarter, and smarter gets your farther… with less stress. Let us dive into it.


Plan and Budget Daily:  有效地管理时间是生活和工作中最好的习惯之一. 你把时间花在什么事情上和怎样做会直接影响你的成功. Therefore, always plan, regardless of how big or small your vision is. You do not have to bother about how good your plan is at the beginning. 随着时间的推移,你会得到更多的信息和数据,知道什么是有效的,什么是无效的.  Your only job here is to plan. 在规划时间的同时,一定要对你的资源(金钱和人力)进行预算。. A budget, much like a plan, 让你知道在任何时候你能做什么,你能负担得起什么. In business school, the adage “Cash is King” was beaten into our heads. So, as a businessperson, knowing how to preserve your cash is business 101. The Game over the minute you run out of cash. 因此,学习制定预算并严格遵守预算是非常必要的.

Acquire Coaching and Mentorship: 习惯和行为会根据你的投入和活动自然发展. 你可以培养成功的习惯,让你周围的人更了解你,他们曾经经历过你现在的处境,他们可以告诉你如何到达你想去的地方. 一定要每天抽出时间与你的教练和导师交流,这样你才能不断地从他们身上学到东西. There are several ways to learn from others. One way is through reading books, listening to Podcasts, watching YouTube videos, going to conferences with other 成功ful people. 这里的目标是不断开拓空间,通过与他人接触来获得洞察力来扩展你的知识, motivation, and inspiration you need to propel your 成功.

Expand Your Network:  毫无疑问,商业上的成功与你认识的人密切相关. 你认识的人越多,就会有越多的人支持你和你的成功. Be deliberate about nurturing your network, daily. Networking does not have to consume all your time. Its more about quality, consistency, and less about the amount of time spent. 即使每天只花30分钟与你的人际网络中的人交流,你也能产生巨大的影响, 在社交媒体或其他网络活动/平台上建立和培养联系, 或者与人们合作,寻找如何对你的社区产生更大的影响. The key to networking is to build it before you need it. 为此,你必须少关注回报,多关注如何对他人有价值. 找到方法引导人们走向正确的方向,为他们的生活和事业增加价值. Eventually, 他们要么会帮助你,要么会介绍对你的业务有重大影响的人.

Collect and Assess Data:  在经营企业的过程中,衡量你的进步是而且应该是一件无需动脑筋的事情. 许多企业主都是基于直觉或感觉良好来经营他们的企业. No longer can we rely on our guts. We are in an information age, so the more detailed the data and the more often you track it, 你就越有可能接近你的目标,知道什么可行,什么不可行. 是的, have a goal in mind, 但要确保在实现目标的过程中有你正在追踪的里程碑, select your business metrics, and monitor them daily. This habit may come off as tedious in the beginning, but the more you do it, the better you get at it, and the more it starts to become a habit.

Insight-Driven Decisions:  任何认真对待商业成功的人都必须意识到自己的行为和决策的影响. Stop making decisions based on gut emotions. Decide based on the data and information you are receiving. 把情绪从业务中剔除,用你在此过程中获得的数据和见解来指导你的决策过程. If we recognize our actions and do the right thing, no matter how painful it may seem, we will be rewarded along the way, without cutting corners or taking shortcuts.

Automate Processes Where Possible:  Every day, you view documents, employees schedule appointments, route information, request approvals, and workflows, and look for status updates. In many companies, people still perform these operations manually. If you need to scroll through multiple email reviews, 回复, and forwards to find the document’s current version, problems may arise. 如果你在准备好之前错过了一封需要批准的电子邮件,也可能会出现问题. You can reduce stress by automating these processes. If you can live by the mantra to “always be improving” in your personal life, 那么我建议将“永远自动化”这句咒语融入到你的业务中. 你的业务运作效率越高,成功的可能性就越大. Make a list of all your processes and start to automate where you can.


In closing, 2021 will be here in no time. 让我们花点时间来评估一下我们在2020年养成的商业习惯, 由于我们在2020年的经营方式发生了突然变化,其中一些是被迫的. 现在是时候做一个审计,决定哪些将在2021年继续为我们服务,哪些我们可以修改, comfortably part with, or take on. 你仍然有时间养成改变游戏规则的习惯,这将在2021年对你的业务产生巨大影响. What will it be for you?


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