

通常情况下,大多数投资者都关心股票市场的涨跌. 主要商业新闻媒体的每日股市监测增加了对道琼斯工业平均指数的超短期关注&P 500. And yes, 股市走势可能比债券走势对投资组合的影响更大, but the bond market will also fluctuate.

For near retirees, retirees, or people living off their interest and dividends, bond market adjustments, and movements in interest rates, matter. 风险平衡的投资者也会在他们的多元化投资组合中投资债券. 当股市上涨时,这些“平衡”的投资组合表现良好, 利率下降(利率下降通常会增加固定收益证券的价值). Now, 随着股市暗示经济可能放缓,利率开始上升, 投资者担心,他们平衡投资组合的两方面都面临压力.

Bonds, also known as fixed income investments, 债务工具是由公司或政府实体发行的吗. 以下是债券投资的四个主要风险,以及这些风险如何影响你的投资组合:

Interest rate risk

When interest rates rise, existing bonds pay less than what a newly issued, nearly identical bond will pay. Therefore, in a rising rate environment, 现有债券的价值低于具有相似特征的新债券. 由于利率上升而导致的现有债券价格下跌被称为利率风险.

并非所有债券对利率上升的反应都是一样的. 短期债券受长期利率变动的影响较小, and lower credit quality, higher yielding bonds are typically impacted less. However, 高收益证券可能会受到市场上涨的影响, interest rate, 或信用风险,不应仅仅因为规定的收益而购买. This underscores the complexity of bond investing, 以及为什么广泛的多元化和专业的管理可能是谨慎的.

Credit risk

如果债券发行人被认为在财务上有困难, then the value of the issuer’s bonds will likely drop. 逻辑很简单:如果一个实体不太可能偿还你, there is an increased risk element, and the bond’s price will drop accordingly. This credit risk is also known as default risk.


Inflation risk

Inflation is when the prices of goods we pay for rise. 当价格上涨时,它会降低美元的购买力. 对于债券投资者来说,在生活成本上升的时期,他们可以获得一定数量的利息, 他们将收到的未来现金流的价值减少了. 这种购买力的损失被称为通货膨胀风险.

通货膨胀保值债券(TIPS)是美国国债.S. 与消费者物价指数挂钩的国库券, 可能会看到它们的价值随着通货膨胀而上升,这可能是一种将通货膨胀对你的债券投资组合的影响降到最低的方法. However, during periods of low inflation, the returns on TIPS may be disappointing, so whether to include them is another complex decision.

Reinvestment risk

当你收到债券利息时,你要么花掉它,要么再投资. 同样,当债券到期时,你(希望)能赚回本金. At that point, if you reinvest, 您将受制于当时盛行的利率期限结构. If rates are lower, 投资者面临再投资风险,这对退休人员和其他依赖债券利息来支付每月债务的人来说可能是一个重大问题.

这种现象在2008年房地产危机之后变得非常明显, 当时美联储故意制定了低利率政策. 这一政策今天仍在继续,国库券收益率(以及银行货币市场收益率)接近于零, 而10年期美国国债的收益率低于通胀率. For example, investors who bought a 20-year Treasury Note in 2001, earned about 5.60%. Now they are lucky to earn just north of 2.00%. 投资者若想获得与2006年相当的收益,就必须承担更大的风险, which is not always recommended.

总的来说,固定收益通常被认为是比股票更保守的投资. However, risks such as those discussed above, indicate that due diligence, research, 在建立债券投资组合时,应该充分分散投资. With all this complexity, 我建议寻找一位拥有深厚资源、在不同类型的利率和市场周期中一直表现良好的基金经理.

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