
With the tax talk out of Washington signaling higher tax rates on both earned income and investment income, 投资者明智的做法是考虑一些税收举措. Higher taxes on interest income, capital gains and dividends are all under consideration.

在这种情况下, 在立法通过之前采取行动通常是明智的, so here are five ideas to consider to reduce investment taxes.


它是 beneficial to put less tax-efficient assets in IRA’s and more tax efficient assets in your non-qualified accounts. 例如, corporate bond interest is taxed as ordinary income when earned. 因此, these and other taxable bonds are better suited for a tax-deferred account such as an IRA where they are sheltered from current taxation. 股票投资收益, 另一方面, 在资产出售之前不征收资本利得税.

当然, 目标, 风险管理, and your emotional willingness to hold risk assets are the key determinants in portfolio construction, 但一旦决定, 你把每项资产放在哪里变得至关重要. 减少当前的税收, overweight stocks in your taxable accounts and overweight bonds in your retirement accounts while keeping your overall asset allocation intact. The exceptions might be high dividend paying stocks which may be suitable for a retirement plan (to shelter the tax on dividends), and municipal bonds which typically avoid any federal income taxation and therefore are better suited for your taxable account.


Municipal bonds are debt instruments issued by state and local governments and their interest can be 免除联邦所得税. Municipal bond interest is typically state tax free if the bonds are issued by a jurisdiction in your state of residence. And there are situations where out of state bonds can be tax free such as for residents of the District of Columbia. Talk with your financial advisor and tax planner for your specific situation.

而市政债券也受到一些相同的限制 我之前写过的债券风险 in Forbes, they are generally considered high credit quality instruments with low risk of default.

谢丽尔·豪瑟说, 他是一名注册会计师,也是Snyder Cohn的合伙人, 马里兰州贝塞斯达的PC, 如果你是一个高收入者, 在某些情况下, your after-tax equivalent yield on a taxable bond may be attractive.” Heusser explains that “as income tax rates rise for higher income earners, municipal bonds can offer favorable returns relative to a fully taxable equivalent bond.”


529 plans allow you to grow your funds free from both federal and state income tax if used for an approved education purpose. 当然, there are rules around what are approved expenses, but they are fairly broad. 除了, the funds can be used for someone other than the initially named beneficiary and the beneficiary doesn’t have to be your child. 例如, if your child is fortunate to receive a lot of scholarship money and/or grants, 你还有529笔未动用的资金, you or your spouse can use this for your continuing education, 或者是为了孙子的教育. If you withdraw funds for a reason other than a qualified education expense, 然后你的收益会有10%的罚款.


Buying whole life insurance for cash accumulation is tricky and why I dedicated 福布斯关于这个话题的一整篇文章. 基本上, the cash accumulation inside a whole life policy can be withdrawn tax-free later in life for e.g.、补充退休收入. 它是, 然而, very important to structure this policy with accumulation in mind which means to ‘overfund’ and contribute more than the minimum payment that covers the death benefit. Furthermore, I often advocate to fund the policy to the maximum IRS allowable amount.


It almost goes without saying that maximizing your qualified retirement plan contributions or IRA is essential. 取决于你的年龄, income tax bracket and other factors you separately have to consider whether you should make Roth or Traditional contributions. If you want the tax deduction now, then the traditional is the way to go. 股票市场处于历史高位, I think that is another factor to consider when making the Roth versus traditional decision. 投资者最不想要的就是纳税, 把钱存入罗斯401(k)或罗斯个人退休账户, and then see it drop if there is a potential stock market decline.

收税员的触角越来越长了. If you want to lower your tax bill there are fewer ways to do so. 这些投资建议可能会有所帮助, 但是越来越多的, there are less ways to avoid paying what the government considers to be your fair share.


